After 6years ,it's the first time I've watched back Survivor S15. wow,it's quite a surprise ,I actually only remembered James and Amanda after watching it(because they've participated into others seasons). I just wanted 2say.Todd's such a bitch,I would never ever vote 4him if I'm one of the Jury members. Courtney was a kind of mean person(but she's cute),and I thought that she's the S12 Courtney when I saw her in S20... Also,I didn't remember it's the F3 Jury,not at all... I don't think Amanda 'll win in either way(not because of Todd). Not much respect 4this season,not my favourite one certainly,but my very first one... I'm missing that feeling.
剩下的DAWN+MIKE我也說不準,我覺得DAWN會是BITTER JURY,但也不會投EDDY NEITHER,而MIKE可能也是Cochran (另外,今天才知道Stealth R Us這樣寫的...) 所以是4:3:1 應該也是Cochran WINS的
好久沒看過這麼BORING的REUNION,惟一亮點是BRENDA的 via satellite PART...
另外整個S26我覺得最帥的是REYNOLD(在島上的樣子,他REUNION好像EYEBROWS不見了的?= =)!! 最美的是BRENDA(素顏也實在很美!還有黑髮有共鳴...有人說他父親是香港人[可是LOVED ONES篇看他不像會說中文],母親是玻利維亞人) 另外有人覺得Cochran口才好嗎,我覺得很一般,REUNION他不是好像很SPEECHLESS嗎= = 還有在REUNION,DAWN不是向B道歉嗎(看了個WEB的訪問,感覺太主觀就不貼連接,但和下面ERIK訪問是同一個WEB),有人說她FAKE的,她的確是, 她說得像當時JEFF逼迫她道歉(其實我也覺得是= =有人+我也覺得今次REUNION JEFF表現很那個...好像經常打斷人= =), D又說JEFF沒叫B向她道歉= =(這我不明白了,B為啥要向她道歉= =),D還說她道歉了,JEFF還表現得"U SHOULD MEAN IT"... (因為你錯了呀= =)...
還有其實D和B有在Ponderosa最後的數小時說過話,她說B態度像FORGIVE(事實B在SUR LAST SHOW也說,是FORGIVE,BUT DEFINITELY NOT FORGET...)最後說雖知道結果如何,重玩一遍還是愿意(她一巫婆!!)
另外,DAWN的錢不是傳說的兩個零票RUNNER-UP都十萬,而是對分,訪問有提: EW: So since you and Sherri both tied with zero votes, do you both get $100,000 second place money? DAWN: What they do is take second and third and then divide us. EW: So you each get, like $92,500? DAWN: Yep. I’m a teacher, so I wasn’t joking when I said, I can get new teeth!
至於ERIK,感覺真的是FATE了,兩次FALE5都走得很無奈,上天真的注定他贏不了 在這個訪問有說他當時感覺怎樣,之後遭遇怎樣+吐糟REUNION,還說DAWN真的PERSONAL TIGHT WITH他+BRENDA,可見DAWN真是個大賤人(我原來以為她會有1~2VOTES,不過ZERO也是理所當然...) ... 這個訪問很詳細交代ERIK的事,值得一看,而且很好懂,不用DICTIONARY也UNDERSTAND97% >>CLICK ICE-CREAM SCOOPER 話說之後去SUR WIKI,看了下BRENDA 被UPDATED的DATA,有亮點喔!!(很強調FIRST...ETC) "Brenda is the first person to make Jeff Probst cry during the Loved Ones Challenge." (JEFF真的以為自己眼淚很值錢= =忍不住又這樣想) "Brenda holds the record for the highest number of consecutive episodes without having a confessional while still in the game, with eight, surpassing Natalie Tenerelli's previous record of seven." (上面的NAT是S22,與ROB進F3,零票的19歲小姐) (其實我真的覺得B真的不應剪輯這麼少,有人說是因為JEFF DISLIKE她,不會的!因為B是美女...我覺得是為鋪墊SHOCKING EP13,B也被剪得很聖女FEEL呀!而且JEFF DISLIKE她,REUNION就不會讓她說那麼多話啦) "Brenda is the first and currently only contestant to not have the standard blindside music play during her exit." (人手製造了史上最傷感的一次BLINDSIDE)
上年大約這個時候,重看回SUR,一年了,它陪了我一段難捱的日子,還有快樂的時光...想說S25到S26相差也不過兩個月,現在不過落差2+2=4個月(是說現在應該開始拍了,兩個SEASONS拍半年)... S27 BLOOD VS WATER(標題好怪,TWIST也好怪!!是FAVORITES VS FAMILY MEMBERS,之前說S12 TERRY+S22 STEP有RETURN 害我空歡喜一場...我喜歡的S24 KAT+S25 RC好像確定會回來喔...其實我不太明這個TWIST會怎玩...變動太大了!!不過我相信只要是SUR,我都會喜歡的!) (別讓我期待開學的月份吧!!不過S25,S26是首次嘗試這樣逐集看,再到貼吧看POST[有些帖真心好笑],其實我覺得這是我小小的幸福時光)
最後喔,放一下影片 :::
意外傷退::: ERIK傷退, BRENDA好萌, 這個我覺得挺好笑的!!
ERIK SHOWS-UP::: 這個不看也可,但是為上面影片的續篇... 話說CBS有些命題弄錯名字了 = =, 而且有人說Ponderosa LIFE有草率了的感覺...
PREPARATIONOF FTC::: 這個不看也可,沒甚麼營養 (話說今天傳好多影片耶)
The Jury Speaks我有挑看,BRENDA談到DAWN露出了1S一個很有趣的RELUCTANT FACE ...
【Updated on May3】 #Survivor S26# EP12 speechless 2this ep= =have lots of things 2say about,but speechless as the same time= could this really happen!???
...A surprising double IC!! someone said that it's ABCDE大戰(the initial letters of the remaining favorites lol) because one the favorites would win it,so it's their war A=Andrea B=Brenda C=Cochran D=Dawn E=Erik
First I want 2mention is this ep putting all my favorites contestant in the remaining tribe (also's in S26) on the chopping board...Andrea+Brenda+2Amigo left out...
And I normally would download the ep on Sat/Sun,but today (Fri)all I'm thinking about was because of the preview pictures:"好想看EDDY仔的人魚線呀"(這句必須打中文),so I downloaded a new software in order 2watch it on today,however,when he gave up the IC within a second,just one idea in my mind:" 人魚線呢??""HAHA= =
And,finally Brenda has been targeted...
Cochran pointed out that Erik did a dumb move on handing out the idol 2Andrea,nooo,not, First,idol is always a threatening code,like everyone don't have a cent,but only you owing a cheque in your pocket Second,it's Andrea note as a major helper 4him 2find the idol,how could you own the idol yourself???you should feel shame if you have that sneaky idea,actually.
Another dumb move may be Eddy gave up the IC,no,noooot,why? 1.Eddy proving himself not a threat,if Reynold did lose,his fighting attitude would be his downfall,he would be voted off b4 Eddy 2.Eddy needed not facing a dilemma that if he really won,he would have 2make a decision that whether giving the immunity 2Reynold or not 3.Reynold really wanted it so bad,he could not betray his trust 4.Eddy was hungry ,a doughnut could save his life lol** ultimate winner ::: winner:Cochran running- up: Sherri 2nd running- up: New DAWN
I'm shocking by how come Andrea trustedCochran so much!?not paying the idol wasn't her downfall,trusting Cochran really was!
I think Andrea is one of the spiritual players in S26,good luck girlT.T
One more thing was,she had been voted out more early than I thought it would be,making me a kind of like her much more,she's really impressive in this season,I like that.One of my favorite players overall.
Procedure:: Day 32: handsome Reynold(sorry,but it's the very first time I find him handsome lol) (also,I don't like that type of guys like Eddy keeps saying that they're handsome,actually far from the truth lol )
Day 33: Beautiful Brenda preparing 2make a big move (actually,Brenda vs Andrea,I'm more preferring Brenda stayed in this game,because I like her more)
Day 33.5: Cuite Andrea had gone....
Day 34: Lovely Andrea had gone...
【Updated on Apr28】 #Survivor S26# EP11
I think I may overestimate Sherri,she's not as smart as I thought actually,if she can go through 2 theFTC,she's still going 2lose... F3 either:Andrea+Cochran+New DAWN(original one) or else:Cochran+New DAWN+Sherri(AFTER EP11,they should bring her in,because she could not win ,like Lisa,like the New DAWN)
Actually I don't consider Andrea would be voted off by her own alliance because everyone saw her as a threat???I just think that if she knew that she's a big target(she had mentioned it few times that she had already noticed that) ,it should raise her awareness 2avoid herself being voted off
Anyway,Cochran still can win the whole thing(my prediction since EP4) (Also,I saw a post saying that if he really wins,Jeff will introduce somethinglike: "if you have passion,if you love"Survivor",JOIN THIS SHOW,you can like the biggest fan Cochran,win it!laughing dying=]=])
(In addition,I'm no sick 2he behaviors ,I hate him so much in S23,but first ep of S26,I know I had already put it down,it's a whole new season,right?why so prejudice)
Anyway,this is one of my favorite ep in this season. Because 1.Brenda was speaking 2.I like 2see Malcolm performance in this ep(I don't hate him,but I like 2see when he knew he's on the chopping board ,what he reactions would be[=[= )
【Updated on Apr18】 #Survivor S26# EP10
OMG!!!!!!!Phillip GONE!!!!
I bet he's in the F3 I can only change my prediction 2
the 'NEW DAWN'(isn't she's a little bit like LISA in S25???)
I didn't bet 4Sherri because I thought it's impossible 4them 2bring a fans in the final(or else she might win!)
Also,I still think Andrea+Cochran were in F3(it's my prediction after watching ep4),n he'll win it,absolutely!