2014年6月26日 星期四

R.I.P. Caleb Bankston from S27 Blood VS Water


我起初是在Hayden BB 的 IG 看到這一消息的 (沒特別事時我會幾天循例上一次Kat ,Hayden ,Alexis [S28] 的IG ...
Kat 和 Hayden 被傳說分手好一段時間了 ,由年初已經開始 ,因為Kat 和Hayden 好像很久沒在社交網貼兩人合照 ;而Colton 和Caleb 也是,因為Colton 好像把本來和Caleb合照的icon 換了還是怎樣,我不太記得清前因後果了,當時是在貼吧看到的)

扯遠了,反正剛才我是在Hayden IG 看到這張圖::

(沒follow是因為我手機沒裝IG << 不夠容量 ,AND YES ,我可以借家人的手機註冊個號,但既然我就像dislike FB ,Twitter 一樣 dislike IG 的排版 ,why brother of doing that ? 所以我只是在電腦上bookmark 了IG  連接)

然後我就in shock了 ,因為據我的常識,normally 只有一個情況下會用RIP ,而下面的comment box 一系列全是RIP


還沒load 完我就看到置頂post "Caleb死於事故"...


我覺得我以後會無法直視S27 了(我其中一個top 5季)

我現在大腦還是有點blank out 的感覺...

我自己真的很喜歡Hayden ,而Caleb正正是他在S27 的buddy ,Caleb 也算得上是S27的players 中,排在"喜歡"的幾個之中 (我definitely 喜歡他多於Aras)


"如果CALEB 贏了S27 ,他就不用工作,也就不會死於事故了...每件事發生都有它的原因,祝福CALEB一路走好...IM SURE HE'S THE ANGEL IN MANY PEOPLE EYE"

I mean it ...

我曾經在S27 的開播文寫過,看了多於二十季Sur ,我惟一真正不喜歡的選手(男) 就是Colton了,我想說,我以後以後不會再討厭這個可憐的人了,不論他和Caleb 後來的關係如何,我知道他已經歷了世上最痛的感覺,沒有任何感覺比失去一個曾經相愛過或還在相愛中的人更傷更痛,如果我找到(過) 那個人,而我失去了他,我實在想像不到那種打擊會有多震撼...


strongly Rest IN Peace...

他是第三位逝世的SUR players ,也是他們當中最年輕的

第一位是2010年, Jenn Lyon (Survivor: Palau), died after a six-year battle with breast cancer(因乳癌而死,享年37歲)

第二位是去年Last year(2013), original Survivor contestant BB Anderson died of brain cancer at age 77 (第一季選手而77歲之齡因腦癌而死)

第三位是在美國時間的前天 (June24,2014 ,Tuesday), Caleb Bankston ,因工作事故身亡 ,享年26歲


以我來說,我本來就是個很少上街的人,這件事大概會令我更怕上街(這個世界太多意外了),我也從沒想過自己能活過40歲,但我衷心希望我睜開眼的每一秒,都在笑 ; 而我死後, 會留下足夠這個世界記住我的影響力 ,在死之前 ,要實現夢想,要報答父母的恩情 , Caleb之死又一次提醒了我,要做就要抓緊時間去做,否則就沒機會了

感謝Caleb 出現在這個世界,知道他是我的幸運,他只是時間到了,比其他人先走一步,RIP
God bless you

以下是事件的報道 (轉自貼吧) ::

People Magazine對Caleb事件先後有兩次報道,以下是較為詳細的第二份,據吧友所言,
"Caleb是工作事故...Caleb在Birminghan, Alabama的Alabama Warrior Railway工作,工作時他所在的火車出軌"

Caleb Bankston, who competed on Survivor: Blood vs. Water, died when the train he was on derailed on Tuesday, PEOPLE has confirmed through multiple sources.

Bankston, 26, worked at the Alabama Warrior Railway in Birmingham. He competed on Survivor: Blood vs. Water in 2013 alongside his fiancé, Colton Cumbie, ending the game in ninth place.

News of the accident has sent shockwaves through the Survivor community.

"Caleb was an amazing man and friend," fellow contestant Aras Baskauskas tells PEOPLE. "One of the sweetest and most sincere humans I've ever come across. I am gutted by his loss. My thoughts and prayers are with his family."

Adds Sabrina Thompson, who competed on Survivor: One World with Cumbie: "While playing Survivor with Colton, he would talk about his boyfriend, Caleb, around the clock 24/7. Within seconds of meeting Caleb at the finale and Survivor events, it's no wonder why he raved about him. You were instantly drawn to his big smile, warm spirit and Southern charm. May God rest his soul … gone too soon."

基本上說了Caleb是工傷身亡,還有曾和Caleb在S27 一起玩的Aras 和曾和Colton 在S24 一起玩的Sabrina 的 comments


(Resource : Alabama.com)

而Colton 的反應basically 是::

距離S27 shooting 剛好一年...
據吧友所說, "眾多Survivors都把自己的FB頭像都修改成和Caleb的合照 還有發表感言"

我不可能把所有有Caleb的內容轉過來,下面轉一些在貼吧看見的,resources 在最下面
相信到很多players 的社交網站都會看到他們對這件事的感歎,惋惜...

 ( Ciera from the same season)

 (Skupin from S2 & S25)

Coby Archa from S10 (quote from FB) ::

Caleb died in a accident at work today from what I am hearing from my Survivor friends.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
Words can't describe how worried I am for Colton who seemed to rest himself heavily on his loved one.

I am so deeply sorry Colton. Please anyone who knows Colton make sure he is safe and feeling loved right now. 

Corinne from S17 & S26 ;
Rob C from S6 & S8 ;
Penner from S13 & S16 & S25)


(Resources :貼吧一 /貼吧二)

S27 好像咀咒的一季,大半年前 Tina 兒子死於車禍 ,現在又是Calab 之死 ,
二十位cataways 已經有四位遭遇不幸(Tina &her loved ones Katie ; Caleb & his loved ones Colton),希望不會再有sadly bloody things happen

最後是一些轉自Caleb 粉絲樓的照片,此情不再,但永在心中:

我特別特別喜歡S27 ep 11 ,Caleb和Hayden 一起說話那幾段
(我之前在S27 review寫過這是我該季最喜歡的一集),


(Resource :貼吧 <<粉絲樓還有不少採訪和海量照片,上面幾張是我在瀏覽完14頁後挑出來喜歡的 )

I will bear in mind the joy he brought to us, 
the cheerful image he has established,
and live my life when still have time
