2015年6月15日 星期一

my #Zankie tags

I've created some #Zankie related tags on my tumblr back then
click below words to ck them directly

zankie // zankieween

also click to ck more abt one of my faves BB player #ZachRance related tags

zach rance // zachrance // bae // sawagoo // zrl // ilysm // bella rance

its not TOO LATE to stalk #Zankie on social media if u missing the livefeeds

twitter // ig // tumblr 

if u want a little revision on wt happened in the past ,ck out 

bb 16 // bb16 for the quickest access

also,u may click on my twitter if u have time , 
ZR followed on dec10,14 ,
not tweeting but will follow back if u are zankie fans

to everyone that discovered & reading this page ,
I love you ,I promise

(backup) dreamed abt #Zankie

original posted on Nov22,14 ,the time i still hav hope they could become more than "just friends"

"(OKAY this is abt a dream I just hav ,for anyone interested to read)

Ive had a weird dream just then (clearly wrong time to sleep with) WAS that I went on tumblr to check the update ,then I saw a letter ,I started to read it naturally ,then I realized its a letter written by zach (I knew…its like wtttt??) a letter he wrote two weeks after he returned to the real world (when I read the letter it was day fifteen …like dont ask why I know the data ,its just a dream) n the letter last 1.5pages (again didnt make sense why I knew if I saw it on tumblr ,its wt its)

In the letter ,zach mentioned he stayed in Codys house the past weeks ,n Caleb came visited him once n brought him smthing (I forgot wt that was,but yeah) then at the end of page one he said smthing like,“I never thought I would find a person that important in my life ,hes my boyfriend” I thought I read the wrong words !?! but I continued…turned into the next page ,the second page only hav few sentences there ,including smthing like"if Caleb didnt visit me while IM sick n brought me XXX (again,I forgot wt that was),AM I not a friend with him? If XXXXXX ,AM I NOT XXXXX?….“  the second sentence basically was the same pattern (I forgot the context but),its a rhetorical question abt its didnt matter wt u show ,smthing would "never change” ,then he mentioned the word “boyfriend” again (the second time ,again I forgot wt the context was) then I read the last paragraph he wrote ,I actually screamed through the whole reading process but I stopped when I saw the words he put there ,he typed smthing like “…wait until I official hav a boyfriend” (third time he used that word) I frown n very confused by it ,thinking that “wait ,so u guys r boyfriends but not official !?! how could that happen? ” then I thought “it didnt really matter” ,so I reblogging the post n typed smthing like “congrats* DREAM COME TRUE” then when I typing the sentence I suddenly realized why he wrote that letter ,its not for the world to see ,its a letter he wrote to us(the fandom)(again it didnt make lots of sense but wtever) …n he has not mentioned frankie name once in the letter……THEN I woke up right when I abt to click that “reblog” button……

(like… its SOOOO weird ,its actually the third/fourth dream Ive abt them but the first since they returned the “real world” it actually hard to imagine zach writing a letter (!?!) if it comes down to this ,I think (n hope) they would film a vid to announce smthing like this… but then I actually dont believe they r really really together(until they announce anything) lack of better word to explain…it just…weird lol)"

blessed the past*

2014年10月2日 星期四

feel free to follow me on tumblr : may or may not blog S29 review

又來宣傳一下我的tumblr ,這次加推我的side blog~
如之前文章所說,obsessed with tumblr ,每天在dashboard上停留數小時的狀態
想想我可能不會寫S29 review了,因為rn zankie 帶給我的excitement 是大於sur (haha)
其實我這個人,如果一樣事不能給我long term excitement ,我很難insist下去的 (except my lifelong passion writing) ~反正rn 我比較addicted 於zankie ,加上我blogging 了sur above two years 其實已很amaze了 (no worry ,它forever 是我的no.1 show ,I can guarantee u that~)

反正現在就是發掘了tumblr ,那邊很多gif 很歡樂^^ 不過我的sur tumblr 還在build up 中,但basically main blog 是 : Zankie+ big brother US +others stuff (最近想到個為甚麼會這麼迷zankie的metaphor ,很大degree 是因為fandom 的存在,那邊經常有很多analysis ,很像一個普通fan(看analysis的ppl) 在旁邊看瘋狂追星族(寫analysis的ppl)對偶像尖叫的感覺 (相信我,我追了一個idol 2~3years ,很清楚是怎樣的feeling),就是會覺得很好笑~(先不談zankie這個意念本來已很adorable)
side blog 就是survivor related ,至於為甚麼我要特地再開一個blog? 一個account 可以開兩個blog呀! 很簡單,是因為每個account 不可有separated dashboard/ following blogs / like blogs ,我個人總是會拖到weekend再看sur ,不想看zankie updates時被劇透,當然,我可以選擇weekend前暫不上tumblr但我做不到xdd
至於blog recommendations ,我也只是roughly follow 了一些search 到的blogs ,沒甚麼精選推介(是一些casual searcher 也可以找到的) ,而且這個blog 不會有zankie blog那麼用心build up (所以這個是side blog,因為我比較喜歡zankie)

feel free to follow me!
因為S29 即使要打review,不到season half way 我大概不會開始打xd ,加上不會有逐集冠軍預測etc. 因此這一大段時間我可能只會在tumblr 出現,因此有興趣請來tumblr找我

S29 我暫時的faves 是Dale/Baylor(感覺有點像S16 Natalie)/Alec(弟) (感覺有點像Fabio)
還有以上三位都只是我的一般faves ,沒有一個是能列進我的全季top10那些(不過這些通常要season過一半才會出現)

anyway ,just find me there,plain n simple


you32.tumblr.com survivorspirit.tumblr.com
                         you32.tumblr.com                                survivorspirit.tumblr.com

enter the links or click the pic. directly

2014年9月22日 星期一

狂賀9月25日SUR S29開播 Celebrating up-coming SUR S29

狂賀9月25日(THU)SURVIVOR S29開播

(US是9月24日 WED)

 Survivor:San Juan del Sur

本季Twist:Blood Versus Water 2.0

本季是全素人,但有featuring參加過TAR 的選手
本來原定有20位選手,但有一pair 女選手臨時因藥物問題無法繼續比賽,因此只有18位選手,分成兩個tribes ,而且只有8位女選手,是自S18後的first time,而且這是第一次參賽人數even,但沒有even的男女比例

相信很多人也知道JEFF 之前提到過本季繼續有redemption island,但後來取消了,改成excel island !! (自S18後首次出現,很想念這個twist 吧! 個人也不喜歡RI 佔了太多比賽時間<< instead of 整個tribe 的,不過較為可惜的是,要是我有喜歡的選手,她/他一failed就要看他離開了)

另外,本季和S27 一樣,有adjusted的day zero

San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua (和S21 &S22 同一地方) 


The god of thunder and brother of Cakulha



The Maya Hero Twins Called Hunahpu and Xbalanque
They are the central figures of a narrative , and constituting the oldest Maya myth to have been preserved in its entirety. 

the Maya Twins in particular could be considered as mythical ancestors to the Maya ruling lineages. 


So basically ,兩個tribe 的名字也是與瑪雅神話傳說有關, Coyopa是雷神的名字,而Hunahpu是其中一位The Maya Hero Twins(瑪雅藝術文化的象徵)的名字

而tribal 的logo featuring了Aztec calendar的標誌,它是一種得知收割莊稼,求神拜福時間的曆法,是其中一種古老的Mesoamerican calendars


S27 Blood VS Water 是我的top 5季之一,我對這種twist不特別感冒,可以說季度好壞還是看選手怎麼玩吧

PS 我以前會很期待新季開始,但最近實在太沉迷BB了,完全沒留意到已經又到了這種季節!! 而我逐集跟着US TIME ZONE追看的季度不知不覺已是第5季了,即是我已追了整整兩年! (感覺我也已經算super fan了,雖然還沒把全部季度看完)

就這樣連續發文來到最後一篇了,雖然沒上次的連文那麼用心,但也抽出了好些時間去整理,十月記得回來看我的S29 review ^^ 

three days left ! :D  

2014年9月21日 星期日

(轉貼吧)Rigging of SUR 節目組干預帶來的影響?

Rigging of SUR 

SURVIVOR這麼多季以來,有多少次是因為節目組的twists /rigged 改變了整個比賽的情況?


2014年9月20日 星期六




Jeff Probst Salary is $200 Thousand Per Episode



1. 獎金是稅前的,而美國個稅也是累進的,最低10%,今年稅率分別是15%25​​%28%33%35%,以及39.6%40萬以上部分)。具體交多少稅很難說,因為報​​稅時不僅是收入,很多費用可以抵扣如果得獎者有自己的business,而且其tax planner比較牛的話,還是有很多方法避稅的。

2. 節目組不會給得獎者扣稅,不過節目組可以先幫人家交稅。美國稅法制度是要求自己報稅的。假設節目組幫你扣了稅,可是你實際上不需要交這麼多(各種稅收優惠啦,抵扣啦),你可以申請退稅。

3. 這個是特例。如果得獎者宣布我不要任何錢,讓節目組直接捐給某個符合規定的慈善機構(一定要直接捐款,不能經得獎者的手),稅可以一分不交。

4. 其實我很好奇,這個獎金可能算是海外收入。比賽所在地的國家是不是有權收稅?如果算是海外收入,也交了稅給比賽所在國,那麼這部分稅可以不用再在美國交。」

Q: 如果不取走獎金,分50年領取,由CBS代為繳稅,可行嗎?

A: 美國的彩票是可以分期給。上次有個人中了2億美元,扣完稅大概有1億零點的樣子。福彩公司就給出兩種支付方法,一種是一次給完,他就只能拿1億。如果分期每個月拿100W多的樣子,拿近20年,福彩公司就幫他給稅。





Resource : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

2014年9月19日 星期五

(轉貼吧)幸存者還能幸存多久?Fanfiction 規則創新樓

先旨聲明,本文內容與CBS.COM 的SUR 的真實規則無關,純粹是Fanfiction 的文章,幻想一下如果SUR 加入新規則應該加入甚麼?會是怎樣的情況?

2014年9月18日 星期四

(搬運)Some Fun Facts about SUR

本來打算出一篇有關SUR 過去二十個拍攝地點的文章,但原文出了問題,單由我一人架構工程量又太大,決定改出一篇詼諧有趣的小知識文章,這些是我由貼吧搬過來的,但也不是吧友原創的,來源大家應該也知道是SUR WIKI ,each players/seasons最下面也會有各色info ,不過我當然不會有心力逐個去看,更別提translate ! 所以這邊我就搬過來一些吧友的selective translation 作為indoor guide 101 ,如有興趣看更多可自行到SUR WIKI 查閱更多^^ 

2014年9月17日 星期三

(轉貼吧)(全季透)邁向奪冠之路的 不二門法 Win your way to the end + 由地域/族裔/性別/星座 談Survivor

referred to 昨日的文章(按我),今天繼續探究以不同角度去看SURVIVOR
我會分別貼出以地域/族裔/性別/星座/統計數字去看SURVIVOR選手/冠軍的文章,但在此之前,我想分享一下一個special segment: 邁向奪冠之路 ,聯盟怎樣形成,又是怎樣的選手有較大的機會走到最後呢? 以下一一剖析


邁向奪冠之路: 由聯盟架構說起


2014年9月3日 星期三

Zankie shipper 的浮與沉 Rollercoaster journey of being a shipper : Get THE WORST out of THE BEST (Zankie obsession Pt.4)

after catching up many posts that analyzing zankie relationship,I secretly hope Zach is not having a legitimately feeling towards Fr*nkie simply b*cause he is such a disgusting human being I hope hope hope PRAY*

I know a decade b4 that Fr*nkie not even close to describe as a “good” guy but it always hits me hard that he’s flirting /cuddling with all the guys (like Cody / Caleb) n willingly hooking up with them… he treated Zach difference (mostly in physical ways) just b*cause he’s the only one that flirted back…

I start to hav a sense that Fr*nkie probably does not even love Zach… flashback  to mainshow Ep2 ,he clicked with Vic immediately n has a HORRIBLE first  impression towards Zach ,that’s why he always talks shit behind his back ,Fr*nkie actually more related to the type of person like Derrick / Cody / Caleb .not Donny / Zach who actually hav a good heart in general

I know there r fulled of theories to explain Fr*nkie attitude/behaviors of trashing Zach,but let be real,LOVE is LOVE n HATE is HATE, I’ll be so hurt if I find out my “BFF” trashing me /non-stopping talked shit abt me / every time ppl mentioned my name just started filling up my negativity to them  …I mean in wt kind of world ppl will do that to other that they consider r  their “friends” ?

action speaks louder than word n I think all shippers hav seen tremendous ACTIONS of how Fr*nkie trashed Zach behind his back …speaking in me ,a quite sensitive ppl ,I distant from frds like these b*cause it just not worth a shot to give them my heart, we all know wt result is going to be

…for me ,if u do care someone ,even listening bad words abt them r hurting MY feeling ,no matter inside or outside the game ,especially u can simply just ignore those words when other ppl trashed ur frd …that make me start to question Fr*nkie TRUE FEELING for Zach or is he seriously having some sort of mental issues that need to continue trashing his “friend” like that to satisfy himself

at the end of the day ,for me FACT is FACT ,EXCUSE is EXCUSE ,no matter how many theories behind ,Fr*nkie’s still trashing Zach n that’s the last thing I expect my REAL FRIENDS OR POTENTIAL PARTNERS will do to me ,it just reminds me one thing : they actually dont love that part of me …we can still remain friends after all these shittyyyyy business but there’s no wayyy I would treat them as genuine as it should be after I discover the truth …

on top of that ,the fact that he didnt even trash Derrick / Cody / Caleb but did that to Zach …make it more convincing to me : First ,failed to find out the BEST side of Zach who claimed to be one of his closest friends inside the hose ;Then, constantly saying how bad Zach is , I can only come to a conclusion that he doesnt appreciate those elements of Zach AT ALL

it’s eating me uppppp so much to see a relationship like this, n honestly the only reasonable cause behind it is Fr*nkie actually dont love Zach that we suppose he should be

it doesnt even matter the content of Fr*nkie words,the fact that he’s trashing his BEST FRIEND since week 2 ,starting rumor without confirming the truth ;constantly zooming in the bad side of Zach …wt he stated abt Zach just simply showed that he CANNOT FULLY ACCEPT WHO ZACH IS ,if that’s the case ,HOW CAN THEY ESTABLISH A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE ?

it just make me so upset …to state the fact that I already dont like Fr*nkie fuck up personality ,not to mention adding up all these questionable behaviors he has .Imagining if Zach doesnt act the way he did n willingly to show how much he obsessed with Fr*nkie  ,all the zankie tags would disappear due to the attitude we saw from Fr*nkie towards Zach (behind his back)

IM still one of the zankie shippers ,I can share as many opinions I want but only time will tell the TRUE story  …but bottom line is I just want Zach be happy ,if he chooses to start a romantic relationship with Fr*nkie ,I would love to see that b*cause they r soooo cute ard each other ,but if it’s not the case I’ll gladly accept as long as Zach stays happy

IM not speaking for anybody n that’s just my 100% opinions… I just hope the distance Zach now has from Fr*nkie after bonding with him over 60 some days can finally open his eye enough to notice the fuck up side of Fr*nkie J Grande personality (literally ,who r u ?)